Horseshoe Lake Property Owners Association (HLPOA) |
Invasive Species - Identification and Management
What are invasive species?
Invasive species are plants, animals, and micro-organisms introduced by human action outside their natural habitat where past or present distribution, introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy, or society, including human health (Government of Canada, 2004).
Protecting our lake from invasive species was one of the most important areas for our members and the top area of concern with respect to water quality. It was also an area where you wanted more involvement by the HLPOA. To that end, we are sharing information on how to report concerns to a provincial body and include the HLPOA in your report. Prevention begins with observation and identification which is a responsibility we all share.
Did you know that:
What Can You Do To Help?
Invasive Snails Thank you to everyone for your continued diligence in identifying potentially invasive snails on Horseshoe. Here is a link to a map of the lake that shows the sites of identified invasive snail sightings on Horseshoe Lake. Thanks to Kent Rundle for developing this tracking mechanism and to the more than 25 volunteers who are actively involved in this program. There are confirmed sightings of banded mystery snails and chinese mystery snails, four chinese mystery snails on Horseshoe Lake with another four unconfirmed sightings of possible mystery snails. Here are some highlight Numbers from the efforts on the lake in 2021:
Some overall observations:
Lymantria dispar dispar formerly referred to as Gypsy Moths These moths have been an issue throughout southern Ontario this summer and have recently appeared on several properties on Horseshoe Lake. Click here to learn more: |